Cinnamon Pecan Truffles

A few weeks ago a friend encouraged me to check out the website for healthy recipe ideas.  It didn't take long for me to find the "sweets" section of the website.  As I've been on the hunt for low-sugar, healthy snacks to satisfy my ever present chocolate craving the Cinnamon Pecan Truffles spoke to me in a sweet whisper.

I was skeptical that anything without chocolate could sweeten me up, but these did the trick and did it well.  I'm sorry that I do not have a picture to post, my camera could not do justice to the few that remained in the fridge by the time I posted.

You will need to pull out your food processor to make these, but it is worth it. These truffles tasted just as good after being chilled in the refrigerator and kept well for over a week.

2 cups pecans
2 tablespoons ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
1 cup pitted medjool dates
1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

unsweetened shredded coconut

Place the pecans, cinnamon, and sea salt into a food processor fitted with the "s" blade. Process until pecans are very finely ground. It only takes a minute or so.  Then add the pitted dates and olive oil. Process again until combined and sticky.  Scoop out the mixture by the large spoonful and roll into balls. Then roll in shredded coconut. 

Recipe adapted from The Whole Life Nutrition Kitchen (Raw Cinnamon Sunflower Truffles) at

Happy Valentine's Day!

A few random Valentine's thoughts lie ahead.  Thank you Valentine's Day for giving us the gift of seeing grass again!  I seriously questioned if it still exist under the snow and ice.  Girl Scouts, why don't you deliver bought cookies prior to Valentine's Day?  They would make a wonderful "oops I forgot it is Valentine's gift" (and, oh, wouldn't those Thin Mints taste decadent with a glass of red wine!).  To my family and friends, wishing you a day filled with hearts, flowers, chocolate, and most importantly the people that you love the most!  To my two most treasured Valentine's, I love you more than words can even come close to expressing.

Deep Breathing: Post Delivery

Why didn't anyone tell me that the deep breathing techniques recommended in anticipation of delivering that bundle of joy are better served through that bundles 12-36 months of life?

At 16 months post delivery, I'm pretty sure I'm practicing Lamaze every day.  There are deep breaths in the morning to calm the nerves of letting that wild and and crazy boy run free and run into enything that is over 3 feet tall.  There are deeper breaths with every near miss of an accident.  And there are the deepest breaths you take to get through each ouchie that you want so badly to make better.  At the end of the day there are the long inhales and exhales.  The ones that you use to successfully (or not so successfully!) congratulate yourself with for making it through another day.  However, just like delivery there are the deep breaths that catch in your throat.  The ones that so softly yet boldly scream, "I love this little being more than I have ever loved any one".  The breaths that make your chest feel as though it is exploding with love, pride, and adoration. I guess those are the deep breaths that really count and all of the others are just practice (or cheap therapy).  That being said, I'm grateful for learning the value of the deep breath pre-delivery even if it is more useful now than ever.  Come on though, wouldn't it be easier if we could just get an epidural through toddler hood?