Welcome! I believe the technical term is a soft lens; however, those who really know it's purpose call it an "ugly filter". It is only one of the many items a photographer carries in their arsenal of beautification. The ugly filter can be purchased as an expensive piece of camera equipment or for the more creative it can be fashioned from a simple piece of tulle or nylon and a rubber-band. Thanks to my mother's interest in photography and her endless family photo sessions I learned the value of the ugly filter at an early age. The lens' purpose is to blur the harsh edges, mask imperfections, soften deep lines, and brighten the entire image with an ethereal glow. In short, it removes most of the bad so that all of the good behind the camera can shine through. The ugly filter has become an icon in my philosophy on life. It serves as a reminder that we should place that soft lens over our view of the world, give our widest grin, and filter life pretty.