Timeless Tuesday: To My Mother, To My Son

Mother's Day thoughts to my mother and son.

To my Mom -  I apologize for the exhaustion, the stress, the worry, and the frustration that I have caused you over the years.  Thank you for listening when no one else would.  Thank you for drying my tears.  Thank you for always being my biggest fan.  I'm sorry for any time that out of my teenage angst I might have even remotely implied that you weren't the greatest mother or that I didn't love you.  Those implications could not have been farther from the truth.  Thank you for showing me that a woman can be strong, confident, and beautiful on the inside and out.  Thank you for teaching me that a little bit of kindness can go a long way.  Thank you for giving me the tools and the freedom to fall in love with a great man.  Thank you for giving me the wedding of my dreams.  Thank you for the million little things you have done over the years to show me your love.  Thank you for understanding that I could never come close to imagining your love for me until I had my son.  I understand now and it is a love that is hard to put into words.  Thank you for loving me through the good and the bad and for being such a special woman.  I'm grateful to have you as my mother and my friend.  For any time in the last 31 years when I may not have said it - I love you.

To my Son - The exhaustion, the stress, the worry, and the frustration of being your mother is sometimes overwhelming, but I wouldn't trade a single second of it for all of the gold in the world.  I'm so grateful that I get to listen to you when no one else will.   I'm thankful that I get to be the one to dry your tears. I will always, always be your biggest fan.  Some day in the midst of your teenage angst you will tell me that I'm a horrible mother or that you don't love me.  I will understand that deep down in your heart you don't mean those words and I will love you even more.  I hope that I can show you that strength, confidence, and beauty must come from the inside as much as it shows on the outside.  I will do my best to teach you that a little bit of kindness can go a long way.  I pray that I can give you the tools and the freedom you need to fall in love with a special person some day.  My wish is that I can be there to help give you the most beautiful wedding you can imagine.  I hope that the million little things I do are enough to show you my love. I understand that you will never fully capture the depth of my love for you until you have a baby of your own.  Someday you will understand and I will be so happy for you.  Thank you for letting me love you and for being such a special son.  I'm grateful to be your mother and I look forward to the day that we can be good friends.  For any time in the last 18 months when I may not have said it - I love you.


  1. Oh my! What a beautiful post. Happy mother's day to my dear dear dear friend, Janie.

  2. Oh Janie you speak the truth! Thank you for the happy tears today! So beautifully written....I love you my friend and a very Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  3. I could hardly read your blog through my tears. Wonderful.

  4. Janie, you are your mother's daughter in so many wonderful ways . . . you look like her, you are so kind, patient, beautiful (inside and out), and the list goes on and on!! But you have also become the mother that she is and has been to you all your life. RJ is a very lucky and blessed little boy. Happy Mother's day to YOU and your wonderful mother. I love you both very much! Love & hugs to the Brewsters from the Hills.
