Timeless Tuesdays - #1

I realized this morning that Tuesdays are the perfect day for this little installment we are starting.  Mondays are always full of promises for a positive week.  Wednesdays are the beloved "hump day", halfway mark.  Thursdays are undoubtedly worthy of a happy hour and Friday, oh dear Friday, how we adore you.  However, Tuesday just hangs out there with little appreciation for its job in carrying us another day closer to the weekend.  Fret no more Tuesday, we are here to gratify you.

I wouldn't be doing this sweet, little blog justice if the first Timeless Tuesday didn't pay homage to it's underlying theme - using our soft lens to pretty up the world.  So, for our inaugural Tuesday let's rig up our ugly filter and shoot in black and white.  I cherish pictures in any size, shape, color, or form.  They are the first thing (beyond the people, of course) that I am drawn to when I visit someones home.  Pictures provide a little window into someones life and I admit, at the risk of sounding a bit creepy, that I love peaking in that window.  I am particularly drawn to the simplicity and agelessness of black and white photos.  A black and white photo could be 60 years old with worn edges or a day old and in digital form.  It is timelessly enchanting either way.

Black and white photos force your mind's eye to take over and focus on the importance of the image, the people and places that were captured in that moment, not the glitz and glam surrounding it.  It can soften a sky that was too bright.  Mute a patterned, too hip even for the times, shirt rendering you dumbfounded by what year the picture was actually taken.  A black and white photo can even beg you to question which baby it is in that picture (especially if you have three girls, photographed in matching outfits over the years).   Thank you to black and white photos for being a treasure among our colorful, high definition world.

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