Timeless Tuesday: Laughter

With the impending monsoons that are predicted for Columbus this week I'm having a hard time finding "the timeless" through the rainy gloom and the lingering Monday blahs.  I was just about to write to everyone suggesting that you are on your own this Tuesday when I was reminded of one of my favorite quotes that always makes me smile.

"Among those whom I like or admire, I can find no common denominator, but among those whom I love, I can: all of them make me laugh."  - W. H. Auden


This quote has long been one of my favorites.  I'm sure I've read it more than 100 times and I'm still appreciative of it's clarity.  I could rattle off lists upon lists of people that I like and admire in this world; however, when it comes to those that I deeply love the list shortens substantially (and please, you don't even need to question if you are on the short list - you are there!).  I had never been able to pinpoint the one common thread between those lovable ties until I happened upon this quote a few years back.  I certainly agree with Mr. Auden.  Those whom I love the most in this world always know how to fill my belly with that deep, deep, rolling laughter.  They know how to bring on the hysteric tears as if the swelling laughter can't escape my mouth fast enough it must also drip out of my eyes.

Thank you to my sensei's of laughter - you are reminding me of the timelessness in this soggy Tuesday.  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my what a beautiful quote!!! I will have to remember that one! Now if only I could stop looking at the face of that beautiful child!!! He is so cute! Give him a hug for me.....and I hope I've made you laugh once or twice! Love you and miss you!!!
