Oh Cap'n My Cap'n

Dear God, please do not let my husband or my health minded friend, Francie, read this post.  They might disown me. 

My guilty pleasure this week was Cap'n Crunch.  Cap'n mind you, not Captain.  It's sugary, it's crunchy, it's oh so good.  At least it used to be.

I just ruined it for myself.  After a fun-filled morning at the local splash pad Baby Boy and I came home and with exhaustion written across his forehead I quickly ushered him upstairs for nap time. 

As I settled into my what's for lunch mode I remembered the unopened box of Cap'n Crunch stowed away down in the basement. 

I promise, promise, promise I would never have even bought the stuff except for the fact that I picked it up for pennies one day.  I don't know to many people that can pass up almost free Cap'n Crunch.  You with me?  If not, you are a way stronger human than me.  I commend you.

After going back and forth for 3 minutes questioning the acceptability of eating sugary crap for lunch I caved.  3 minutes of questioning is a lot for me, mind you. 

I washed my hands and put on some hand cream.  The Cap'n is all about cleanliness.  Did you know that?  Then I gracefully poured the cereal and milk into my bowl careful not to drop a crunchy square or drip the slightest taste of milk.  My excitement soared, I braced myself, and then I went in for the kill. 

At that exact moment I was overwhelmed with the scent of seven day old Chinese food.  Something between the Cap'n Crunch and my hand lotion combined to give off one of the nastiest, stinkiest, garbage smells I ever did smell. 

Oh Cap'n my Cap'n you are now ruined.  It may be the last that I see of you in this precious lifetime.  The heartbreak.  The disbelief.  The overwhelming sadness.  On second thought, maybe I should just trash the lotion and try again.

Oh Cap'n, please crunchatize me.  Hehe.


  1. Hahaha oh Dan loves Capn Crunch too! I would get it for him every once in a while as a treat. Hey he deserves it after eating Cheerios every day. Then when we saw on the News that they are taking it off the shelves, I went out and used those coupons and bought a few boxes. Will be sad when it is gone forever!!!
