Timeless Tuesday: A Good Man

There is this man in my life.  He is the definition of a better half.  He is better looking, smarter, kinder, friendlier, more patient, and more giving than I could ever be in a million years.  Now that I think about it, if he knew the slightest thing about fighting fires he could probably even make it into one of those deliciously silly calendars as Mr. November (he is a Scorpio after all).  Truth be told - if I didn't love him so much, I'd surely hate him for all of that perfectness.  He takes on responsibilities without complaint; he folds the laundry without being asked; he can eat 5 loaves of bread in one sitting and not gain a pound.  He adores our baby.  He knows I'm difficult, but takes my temper in stride.  I'm almost certain he has never said a bad word about anyone.  He loves all things fun and he is never afraid to make a fool of himself.  He has a charming smile (not to mention great hair - he would want me to say that if he knew I were writing this).  He makes me want to be a better woman, a better wife.  Unfortunately, at both I usually fail; however, I do occasionally remind myself that I convinced this gem of a man to marry crazy ol' me and that is certainly worth something on my personal scale of self worth. 

Thank you to my Mr. November for ever so subtly reminding me that The Beatles lyrics still sing true - all you need is love - and a good man sure helps too. 

1 comment:

  1. How sweet are you!!! And what did Mr. Bob say about it? You truly are blessed like I keep telling you. I love to see young love like you two share!!!! Now wait mine isn't exactly old is it??? Married almost 24 years and together for 26! I love you guys!!!!
