Timeless Tuesday - #2

Let's awaken our inner child for today's Timeless Tuesday and remind ourselves of the simple joy found in donut holes and children's artwork.

Let's be honest, I've had my share of donut holes over my 31 years.  However, it wasn't until I saw RJ eat a donut hole last week that I realized how they truly are a simple staple of sugary happiness that can span the years.  RJ barely had a bite in his mouth before he was urging, "more, more, more".  I too barely had a bite in my mouth before I was ready for another taste. Sitting there watching RJ devour his donut,  I was reminded of the look on my 3 year old niece's face when she had her first jelly filled donut hole this past summer.  Her eyes grew wide and a smirk sneaked across her sweet face - it was the look of sheer delight.  Donut holes can even conjure up memories of my own childhood.  I recall what a special treat it was to have the Entemman's Chocolate Coated donuts on a weekend morning.  Mmmm.  And though I haven't indulged in as many donuts since I hit my thirties it is safe to say that they taste every bit as delightful as they did as a kid.  I'm pretty certain it is also fair to say that 30 more years from now donut holes will still taste of the same yummy goodness that they do today. 

Is your inner child still there, dear reader, or has it hoped in your car and raced off to the closest Tim Hortons?  If you are still tuned in, let's turn to another timeless treasure of mine - children's artwork.  RJ's coloring, though an impressive scribble for a toddler, doesn't quite merit refrigerator adorning yet.  And to be fair, with my husband and I as RJ's gene pool I'm certain he will be better at anything that requires a ball rather than a crayon.  Regardless of his artistic aptitude I still can't wait to plaster our walls with his creations.  In the meantime, I'm lucky to have 2 nephews and 3 nieces to feed my love of kid craftmanship.  I keep a picture stand full of their artwork in my kitchen. 

Anytime the kids bring us a coloring page, a thank you note, or any other gem they have crafted I display it on the photo stand.  During their visits, I've noticed the kids peaking at the pictures on the stand to see if any of their artwork is displayed.  I'm certain the photo stand cost me no more than a dollar or two and the looks on the kids faces when they see their artwork displayed is well worth it (not to mention how many times I glance at it and it brightens my day).  Someday I think I will upgrade to these bit more glamorous frames* designed to hold children's artwork that I recall seeing in the SkyMall magazine on a flight to somewhere I can't remember, but for now I think the little picture stand works just fine. 

If your inner child has hung on to the end of this post, then you certainly haven't tapped into a young enough version of yourself...so throw caution to the wind, go grab a donut and devour it as you throw millions of tiny little crumbs on the floor knowing that someone else will pick it up.  Then take a bite of that red crayon as you decide you rather color with blue and; of course, forgo the coloring book (that is way too restrictive) and just Monet yourself away right on the table.

*If you are interested in seeing another way to display children's artwork, you can view the Dynamic Art Frame through SkyMall at the following link.  I find it to be another lovely, clutter free way to show off the work of little Picassos. http://www.skymall.com/shopping/detail.htm?pid=102678662&c=

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