Timeless Tuesday - #3

Dear Reader,

Thank you.  Gracias.  Danke.  Merci.  Domo arigato (Mr. Roboto...sorry, I couldn't resist).  Asante.  Mahalo.  Spasibo.  Dank u.  Grazie.

The words thank you in any language sound pleasing.  Of course I'm partial to the English version; however, I love the thought of my Italian ancestors shouting grazie across a large dinning room table as pastas, meats, and cheeses are paraded around. My heart also lightens at the sound of the Hawaiian version as it conjures up vividly relaxed images of sun, sand, and umbrella topped fruity drinks.

In 2011 I'm convinced that saying thank you is rather underrated.  As a kid I can recall a firm, but fun expectation of writing thank you notes after holidays and birthdays.  Not only was it the right thing to do, but it taught me that saying thank you to someone for what they did for me could make me feel just as good as the gift itself did.  I'm also a believer that the best thank yous come unsolicited and are rarely in thanks of anything tangible.  They are thank yous for actions; not materials.   

Regardless of the form it is made in, a heart-felt thank you is timeless.  Be it a "look you in the eye" thank you; a phone call or email version; or my favorite, one in old-fashioned paper form - they are all a simple piece of grandeur in a world busy rushing on to the next activity.  Let's let today's Timeless Tuesday turn that overdue thank you hovering in the back of our mind into a priority.

That being said here is a thanks from me to you, blog style.  Thank you for taking the time to read my posts (although we are not moving any mountains at filterlifepretty hopefully we are brightening your day in the tiniest way).  With greatest sincerity I say thank you, grazie, and mahalo for tuning into filterlilfepretty.  Which in other words means thank you for reading this post now lets go eat some pasta, by the ocean, with a fruity drink in hand!  I'll meet you there with lots of gratitude in tow.



  1. And I thank YOU for being such a beautiful person and for your Timeless Tuesdays which I so enjoy. Miss you and love you!

  2. You figured out the comments, Anita! I'm so impressed with your computer savvy! You, sweet woman, always know how to warm my heart. Even a 1,000 miles away you have proven to remain a blessing in my life. Thank you for your friendship and always positive (and practical!) advice. Better watch out...one of your FB quotes may make it into the Timeless Tuesdays some day! ;)
    Love you!

  3. Thank you for your lovely thoughts and perspective. Tuesday I was struggling with this flu bug, and you brightened my day. I wanted to thank you for your beautiful words. I am so lucky to have you as my daughter!!!

  4. I could really get spoiled up with these kind comments. I love you, Mom! So grateful to have you and dad as my 'rents. I'm blessed in so many ways and writing in this little blog reminds me of that regularly. I hope you are feeling better...you have quite a few "nurses" in Ohio waiting to take care of you if you are willing to make the trip back. Love you!!

  5. OK we need a "like" button on here. LOL I am so used to Facebook I wanted to "like" what your mom said and what you said to me!!! You are a truly beautiful person.....and I never knew you had this "writing" talent.....love you!
