Timeless Tuesday: My Dad

My Dad.  He is kind, he is generous, he is always willing to lend a hand.  He managed to maintain his sanity even living in a house with four women (no small feat).  He taught me how to ride a bike, throw a football, bat like a boy, and that sometimes it was ok to cry like a girl.  That is, as long as I eventually jumped back up, dusted myself off, and got back at it.  He taught me that the sun and sand could soothe the soul, that you are never lost if you are close to a Waffle House, and that when the going gets tough the tough get going. 

He emphasized how important it was to defend anything or anyone you believe in, especially when it comes to your family.  He didn't scream at me when I told him that I wrecked the car, blew up the boat, or when I mentioned that I was going to live with my boyfriend (fortunately all of those turned out to be fixable or ended in marriage).  He has sacrificed for his family in countless ways and will do just about anything to make sure his girls have a good time and get what they want out of life.

Even to this day he knows the exact amount of advice to give - never too much, just enough.  He has forged bonds with his son in laws and regards them as friends.  He is most proud when he is called by the name Papa.  His grandkids can't get enough time with him.  His littlest fan, my Baby Boy, can chant his name for hours on end.  Desperate for his special playmate to join in his fun and not caring a bit that there is more than 60 years between them.

Happy Father's Day, to a very special Dad.  My Dad.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Janie that was absolutely beautiful......what a lucky girl you are to have such a wonderful father. He is so blessed too to have you as a daughter and I am sure he knows that. And how adorable your dad is with your little one. Precious!!! Tell Bobby I said Happy Father's Day today! Love you!
