Timeless Tuesday: Political Scandals

Political scandals are as much a part of U.S. history as the Declaration of Independence.  Regardless of the cherry tree, I'm pretty sure even Washington told a few lies.  Except for honest Abe, of course...

This whole Weinergate thing is kind of funny, kind of not.  Truth is, just as there are bad police officers in the world, there are good politicians as well.  As much as I would like to sigh and suggest that such is life in the political realm, I won't.  I can't cast that light on an entire population (oh, but it is so hard not to).  Let's make the most of the latest political scandal that has hit our headlines and see if there are a few things we can learn from Andrew Weiner.

What we can learn from Andrew Weiner:

1.  Don't engage in steamy online chats when you are married, a politician, or are a married politician.

2.  Make sure you double check who you are emailing/posting/twitting too.  In other words, always make sure that you are directing your info to the appropriate individual, not the entire reply all list, or everyone following your twitter account, or the whole world.  Duh.

3. If you lie you better stick with it.  Better yet, just don't lie. 

4.  Don't expect someone you don't even know to keep your secrets.  Especially if you are a politician.  And even more so if telling those secrets could bring fame and/or money to the tattle tale.  Sell baby, sell!

5.  Most importantly, at all costs, don't get caught up in a sex scandal if your given name might lend itself to any extra comedic fodder.  Jeez.  Apparently common sense is not a requirement for political office.

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