Timeless Tuesday: Unexpected Treasures

Let's consider this Timeless Tuesday fashionably late.  Yesterday was Tuesday which really felt like Monday and today feels like it should be Friday, but sadly it is only Wednesday.  So, be it fashionably late or graciously early - our week still begs for a bit of timelessness.

Part of my delay comes from the fact that I was entrenched in some dreaded closet cleaning yesterday.  As my mom puts it, "cleaning up to make room for a new mess to move in".  She could be a prophet.   Despite that knowledge I pressed on in my mission to clean up the closets in our spare rooms so I have space to put the things that should really be in there - in there.

While digging through the years of stuff shoved in the closets, I happened upon an old box of memories.  It offered up a few unexpected treasures.  Here is a quick peak at what it held.

The sweetest of notes to my mother, from my father, just a few days after I was born.  I can't believe I've never seen this before.  Or maybe I have and I just understood it for the first time.  The heartfelt simplicity of it can't be topped.  Especially considering my arrival graced them with a third daughter.  Sigh.  Very nicely done, Dad.

Pretty sweet, huh? 

Here are the next gems. 

Apparently I'm already an acclaimed author.  Or I could have been if these two literary pieces weren't shoved in a ratty old box in the closet.  These stories are oddly charming (I guess birds haven't always creeped me out) and reminded me that I have always enjoyed writing.  I'm glad I have re-invented this past time for myself, but thank goodness my work has come a few steps since then...Mr. and Mrs. Creakstone is a bit of a dark tale.

Here is to the timelessness of unexpected treasures (maybe this will serve as closet cleaning motivation for some) and to being a tad more punctual next go round!


  1. Ok, I must see some of the other treasures you found. I'm so glad you did not include them in your blog. That would have been mean! But the ones you did post are wonderful. Please oh please can you let me read the Creakside tale?

  2. Once again so sweet!!! What a cute note to your Mom from your Dad. Don't you just love finding keepsakes such as this? I also would love to know what is in Creakstone!!
