Timeless Tuesday: Projects, Projects, Projects

Apparently our Timeless Tuesday has again turned into How Is It Already Wednesday.  I hope none of you use my Tuesday posts as a calendar substitute.  If you do; you are a day behind.  But then again, so am I.  How nice it is to live on this planet together, huh?

I promise my timing issues are not without reason.  We have been busy with projects, projects, projects over here.  I've noticed recently that there is always a new project on my to do list.


They keep coming back, finding you, haunting you day after day, week after week.

And some of them are timelessly long - hello, it took the Egyptians between 15-20 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Even with our fancy schmancy modern day tools and equipment I would still sware the average project can last weeks to years. 

And don't get me started on how long it takes to determine if a project should be completed by us or if it must be hired out.  For Mr. November and I it is a pretty intense calculation that takes into consideration how many saws, nails, and ladders must be used.  Thankfully our house is only 5 years old which makes it a toddler in the world of home ownership and means that most projects can be completed in house.  Pun intended.

Funny though, because we are in the midst of farming one out. 

I've had a love hate relationship with the open floor plan of our house even before we made our first mortgage payment.  It is great to be able to fill up a 2nd story bath tub while keeping an eye on Baby Boy chowing down dinner in the kitchen.  It is also aggravating as heck to know that every sound you make on the first floor goes right upstairs. 

Here is what we are doing about it.  Don't mind the laundry basket or husband's arm that are creeping into this "before" picture.

Bye-bye railing.  Hello, framed wall.

Drywall is up.  Woohoo!

Of course, there is still a bit of work to be done.  Drywall finishing, painting, a bit of carpentry, and some prettying up, but you can see that this project is coming together. 

I will share the "after" pictures when it is all said and done, but do keep in mind those Egyptians and the fact that I'm living on a planet that runs a day behind Earth.  So it may be awhile before this project is done.  Oh, and if you hate it that's fine too.  Just keep it to yourself and be glad you don't live here.  I do and I think I'm gonna like it, a lot.

Good luck on your summer projects.  May they be completed in less time than the Great Pyramid of Giza!

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