Late Summer Chili

Something in the air this week had my mind thinking about Fall.  I'm not sure if it was the cool mornings as I opened the doors to let the brisk, fresh air in to fill our house or if it was the little peaks I caught of the kids down the street in their brand new clothes and kicks hoping on the bus for the first day of school.  Regardless, something in my mind catapulted 6 weeks ahead into leaf filled yards and brisk football Saturdays.  All of this was just enough to cause me a hankering for chili.

Let's pay no mind to the fact that by the time I slurped up a spoonful of this spicy deliciousness the outside temp had reached 85 degrees.  Oh well, the last time I checked ice cream still tastes good in the winter.  So I decided to find a recipe that would make the most of the left over ears of corn and bell peppers sitting in my fridge and appease my need for a hearty Autumn inspired meal.  

Late Summer Chili

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • carrots, chopped
  • onion, chopped
  • bell pepper, chopped
  • 1/2 pound ground beef
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 can diced tomato
  • 15-ounce cans black beans, rinsed
  • 1 tablespoon (plus a little) chili powder
  • salt and black pepper
  • 2-3 ears of cooked corn
  • 1/2 cup of your favorite cheese, grated
  1. Heat the oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the carrots, onion, and bell pepper. Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes.
  2. Add the beef and cook, breaking it up with a spoon, until no longer pink, 3 to 5 minutes.
  3. Add saucepan mixture and all remaining ingredients into crock pot and simmer on low for 6-8 hours or high for 4 hours. 

Timeless Tuesday: First Go Round

Carousel or Merry Go Round, whichever you call it I'm guessing that for you it conjures up the same memories that it does for me.  A special family adventure, a trip to the fair, a day at the zoo topped off with a spin around on your favorite flying pony.  I only have to see a carousel and hear that circusy music to taste cotton candy and Superman ice cream.

This is Baby Boy taking in the Richland County Carousel, his first merry go round.  This picture is just about as sweet as any piece of chocolate I've ever had.

Wow!  Horses, Mommy!

Enough standin' around.  Let's do this.

For those of you who regularly make the trek between Columbus and Cleveland (or further north or further south) may find a reprieve for the road weary kiddo at the Richland County Carousel.  It is located in downtown Mansfield and although sadly downtown Mansfield does not have much to offer these days the Carousel is beautifully maintained and serves as an exciting, inexpensive stop for those passing through.  There is an ice cream shop around the corner and a few antique stores for those who need to stretch their legs for longer than a merry go round ride. 

You can find additional information about the carousel at .

When Life Get's In The Way

There are times when life gets in the way.  Sometimes it is for good reasons.  Sometimes it is a curve ball that life has decided to pitch across home plate while you stand there dumb-founded and completely stunned that the ball was ever even thrown.

I'm lucky this time.  My few week FilterLifePretty hiatus has been due to life getting in the way for a whole bunch of good reasons, mostly good that is.  Shall we begin with my excuses? 

1.  Baby Boy is obsessed with baseball (hence, the former baseball analogy). I am spending hours upon hours learning ESPN channels and the Major League Baseball schedule just so that I can be sure that there is never a moment where my little man is in need of a home run fix and he can't get it.  I'm such an enabler.  I'm open to an intervention.

2.  I've enjoyed time with family celebrating our cherished summer holidays and reading the last three months worth of my Mom's People magazines.  Thank goodness she is a subscriber and thank goodness I now know that Kim Kardashian is getting married. more month out of the loop on that one might have done me in amongst the Columbus "it" crowd.

3.  I've fallen victim to the summer series of TV shows that have begun. Yes, it is true that Celebrity Rehab, The Challenge (oh, my beloved MTV), Teen Mom, and Big Brother are directly responsible for my lack of blogging.  Again, I am open to an intervention.

4.  I've recently found out that I have a dairy sensitivity, an egg sensitivity, and a gluten/wheat sensitivity.  Hello.  Why don't we take away everything non-human that I love in this world.  Do not worry your pretty little head though, I've already found chocolate alternatives.  Needless to say I am attempting/struggling to rework my lifestyle around this knowledge and have been a bit obsessed with reading up on the subject.  More to come on this life-changer later when I come out of the no ice-cream, no omelet, no beer fog that I am currently living in.
5.  #4, again.  Come on, I could be spreading that into four excuses: 1) Dairy, 2) Egg, 3) Gluten, 4) Wheat.  It is certainly deserving of two.

6.  I've been obsessed with finishing the third book in the Stieg Larsson trilogy.  Even if it means I can only read two pages at a time due to the hours I'm devoting to a 21 month old's obsession with baseball.  I'm desperately hoping that the end of this book makes the last year of reading this trilogy worth it.

7.  I've been managing more home projects and have been coming to terms with the knowledge that we are going to have to move every 15 years as to not involve ourselves in anymore hard labor or outsourcing.  Sorry neighbors, but you only get us for 10 more good ones!

8.  I've noticed that my baby boy is growing more every day and he is going to be heading off to college soon.  I've forgone writing to hug and kiss him constantly in the hopes that he has a horrible, "I can never leave my mommy complex" so that he stays right here bugging me about baseball for the rest of my life.  Come on, you know I'm kidding.  I was a psychology major and I'm fully prepared to usher him through any hint of an Oedipus complex.

9.  I've had trouble finding divine inspiration to rattle on, I mean blog, about.  I think it is the lack of dairy, eggs, wheat, and gluten.  As a matter of fact I'm certain that is the problem.  Nothing like a pizza and a ice-cream sundae to get past a writer's block.

10.  Reader's choice:
 a. my computer was eaten by an ant that wasn't satisfied with the buffet of crumbs on the floor             
 b. i've been obsessed with buying infomercial products, especially if they throw in a free paring knife
 c. i got eaten by a massive gold lion
 d. all of the above

So there they sit.  My sweet little excuses.  And yes I know that the above picture is not attractive, but I don't know to many people that can look great while being eaten by a massive gold lion.  But there I digress; anyway.  I miss you, my devoted readers.  I'm cautiously saying that I am back as I'm certain that Summer is going to continue to get in the way for the next few weeks (as it should). 

I dedicate the past few Tuesdays to all of the good reasons that invariably cause life to get in the way.  I hope your summer is full of them too.

Oh Cap'n My Cap'n

Dear God, please do not let my husband or my health minded friend, Francie, read this post.  They might disown me. 

My guilty pleasure this week was Cap'n Crunch.  Cap'n mind you, not Captain.  It's sugary, it's crunchy, it's oh so good.  At least it used to be.

I just ruined it for myself.  After a fun-filled morning at the local splash pad Baby Boy and I came home and with exhaustion written across his forehead I quickly ushered him upstairs for nap time. 

As I settled into my what's for lunch mode I remembered the unopened box of Cap'n Crunch stowed away down in the basement. 

I promise, promise, promise I would never have even bought the stuff except for the fact that I picked it up for pennies one day.  I don't know to many people that can pass up almost free Cap'n Crunch.  You with me?  If not, you are a way stronger human than me.  I commend you.

After going back and forth for 3 minutes questioning the acceptability of eating sugary crap for lunch I caved.  3 minutes of questioning is a lot for me, mind you. 

I washed my hands and put on some hand cream.  The Cap'n is all about cleanliness.  Did you know that?  Then I gracefully poured the cereal and milk into my bowl careful not to drop a crunchy square or drip the slightest taste of milk.  My excitement soared, I braced myself, and then I went in for the kill. 

At that exact moment I was overwhelmed with the scent of seven day old Chinese food.  Something between the Cap'n Crunch and my hand lotion combined to give off one of the nastiest, stinkiest, garbage smells I ever did smell. 

Oh Cap'n my Cap'n you are now ruined.  It may be the last that I see of you in this precious lifetime.  The heartbreak.  The disbelief.  The overwhelming sadness.  On second thought, maybe I should just trash the lotion and try again.

Oh Cap'n, please crunchatize me.  Hehe.

Timeless Tuesday: Political Scandals

Political scandals are as much a part of U.S. history as the Declaration of Independence.  Regardless of the cherry tree, I'm pretty sure even Washington told a few lies.  Except for honest Abe, of course...

This whole Weinergate thing is kind of funny, kind of not.  Truth is, just as there are bad police officers in the world, there are good politicians as well.  As much as I would like to sigh and suggest that such is life in the political realm, I won't.  I can't cast that light on an entire population (oh, but it is so hard not to).  Let's make the most of the latest political scandal that has hit our headlines and see if there are a few things we can learn from Andrew Weiner.

What we can learn from Andrew Weiner:

1.  Don't engage in steamy online chats when you are married, a politician, or are a married politician.

2.  Make sure you double check who you are emailing/posting/twitting too.  In other words, always make sure that you are directing your info to the appropriate individual, not the entire reply all list, or everyone following your twitter account, or the whole world.  Duh.

3. If you lie you better stick with it.  Better yet, just don't lie. 

4.  Don't expect someone you don't even know to keep your secrets.  Especially if you are a politician.  And even more so if telling those secrets could bring fame and/or money to the tattle tale.  Sell baby, sell!

5.  Most importantly, at all costs, don't get caught up in a sex scandal if your given name might lend itself to any extra comedic fodder.  Jeez.  Apparently common sense is not a requirement for political office.

Timeless Tuesday: My Dad

My Dad.  He is kind, he is generous, he is always willing to lend a hand.  He managed to maintain his sanity even living in a house with four women (no small feat).  He taught me how to ride a bike, throw a football, bat like a boy, and that sometimes it was ok to cry like a girl.  That is, as long as I eventually jumped back up, dusted myself off, and got back at it.  He taught me that the sun and sand could soothe the soul, that you are never lost if you are close to a Waffle House, and that when the going gets tough the tough get going. 

He emphasized how important it was to defend anything or anyone you believe in, especially when it comes to your family.  He didn't scream at me when I told him that I wrecked the car, blew up the boat, or when I mentioned that I was going to live with my boyfriend (fortunately all of those turned out to be fixable or ended in marriage).  He has sacrificed for his family in countless ways and will do just about anything to make sure his girls have a good time and get what they want out of life.

Even to this day he knows the exact amount of advice to give - never too much, just enough.  He has forged bonds with his son in laws and regards them as friends.  He is most proud when he is called by the name Papa.  His grandkids can't get enough time with him.  His littlest fan, my Baby Boy, can chant his name for hours on end.  Desperate for his special playmate to join in his fun and not caring a bit that there is more than 60 years between them.

Happy Father's Day, to a very special Dad.  My Dad.

Timeless Tuesday: Projects, Projects, Projects

Apparently our Timeless Tuesday has again turned into How Is It Already Wednesday.  I hope none of you use my Tuesday posts as a calendar substitute.  If you do; you are a day behind.  But then again, so am I.  How nice it is to live on this planet together, huh?

I promise my timing issues are not without reason.  We have been busy with projects, projects, projects over here.  I've noticed recently that there is always a new project on my to do list.


They keep coming back, finding you, haunting you day after day, week after week.

And some of them are timelessly long - hello, it took the Egyptians between 15-20 years to build the Great Pyramid of Giza.  Even with our fancy schmancy modern day tools and equipment I would still sware the average project can last weeks to years. 

And don't get me started on how long it takes to determine if a project should be completed by us or if it must be hired out.  For Mr. November and I it is a pretty intense calculation that takes into consideration how many saws, nails, and ladders must be used.  Thankfully our house is only 5 years old which makes it a toddler in the world of home ownership and means that most projects can be completed in house.  Pun intended.

Funny though, because we are in the midst of farming one out. 

I've had a love hate relationship with the open floor plan of our house even before we made our first mortgage payment.  It is great to be able to fill up a 2nd story bath tub while keeping an eye on Baby Boy chowing down dinner in the kitchen.  It is also aggravating as heck to know that every sound you make on the first floor goes right upstairs. 

Here is what we are doing about it.  Don't mind the laundry basket or husband's arm that are creeping into this "before" picture.

Bye-bye railing.  Hello, framed wall.

Drywall is up.  Woohoo!

Of course, there is still a bit of work to be done.  Drywall finishing, painting, a bit of carpentry, and some prettying up, but you can see that this project is coming together. 

I will share the "after" pictures when it is all said and done, but do keep in mind those Egyptians and the fact that I'm living on a planet that runs a day behind Earth.  So it may be awhile before this project is done.  Oh, and if you hate it that's fine too.  Just keep it to yourself and be glad you don't live here.  I do and I think I'm gonna like it, a lot.

Good luck on your summer projects.  May they be completed in less time than the Great Pyramid of Giza!

Insurance Tips Courtesy of My Former Self

After just over a year of stay at home motherhood I have cause to question if my mind has turned to mush.  Between poopy diapers and nursery rhymes I often question if I've retained any of what once comprised my self worth.  You know, the worth that was tied to 8 years in the commercial and personal lines insurance industry working for prominent companies.  Yep, that is the worth which has now been boiled down to how well I can sing Row Your Boat, how kindly I can seduce my bath tub fraught monkey into the water, and how regularly I can find two matching socks (which seems to correlate with full moons, but I'm still observing that pattern).  It would be wrong for me not to note that the aforementioned mom victories, be them small, are worth a bit of the mind mush so just to keep things straight here - I'm not complaining, just saying.  

Janie, pre-motherhood.
Janie, post-motherhood.


Even though I know I am a vastly different person then I was only a few short years ago (as evidenced by the above pictures), I'm determined to test my self occasionally for signs that my former self still exists. For instance, can I still jump rope?  Yes, although for everyones safety I'm not sure it is a good idea.  Can I still play the saxophone?  No, but let's be honest I never really could.  Can I go a day without eating chocolate?  I suppose, but what fun would that be?  Anyway, I've decided to test myself on a bit of my past life insurance knowledge in the hopes that it might benefit you. 

Now, devoted readers, I know you are an intelligent breed so you may read the below and say, Janie, we know this and we have been doing it for years.  Or, being the smarties that you are you may have had a few other things on your mind to worry about and could have possibly missed these seemingly trivial matters of personal insurance.  Either way, I am going to enlighten you or bore you for a few moments while I test my once upon a time knowledge of personal lines insurance. 

Below are a few easy, yet essential, items for you to consider when managing your personal lines (home, auto, umbrella) insurance.  Oh, and I do still hold an insurance license in the state of Ohio so it is legal for me to give this advice.  Just in case you wondered.   
Can you tell that this is my Sarah Palin impression?  You betcha!

1.  It almost always makes sense to have your home/renter/condo insurance and auto insurance bundled with the same carrier as most carriers give a worthy discount for your multi-lines loyalty.  If your home and auto insurance is not currently with the same carrier...get both coverages priced with both carriers to see if you can save any money by bundling them.

2.  Home insurance should be for catastrophes not your every day wear and tear.  That being said, consider raising your homeowners deductible to save money.  Many people carry a $250 or $500 deductible when they should be carrying a $1,000 or $1,500.  Are you really going to turn in that $300 claim for spoiled food when the electricity happened to be out for 24 hours?   Probably not, but heaven forbid a tree comes through your roof or you have a kitchen fire.  That you want to make sure you have covered.  Of course, whatever you set your deductible at, make sure you have enough available funds to pay it if a claim should arise

3.  Confirm that you are receiving all appropriate discounts on your auto policy.  You may be able to find savings simply because you attended Ohio State or you belong to a local club or organization in your community.  You also may be able to have your teenage driver complete an online course that will provide you with big savings.  Regardless, it can't hurt to ask and it is much better to save money through discounts then by lowering your auto coverage limits!

My little Trump in training.
4.  Consider purchasing an umbrella policy.  Really, it is the cheapest peace of mind you can buy for your family.  A million dollar umbrella policy usually ranges in price from $100 to $300 depending upon how many sue friendly belongings you own (i.e. atv, pool, boat, motorcycle, and pretty much anything else you own that could carry the description of "fun").  That being said, you also don't have to own a boat, or a pool, or any other attractive piece of motorized equipment to need an umbrella policy.  Ever heard any stories of someone visiting a friends house for a gathering, slipping on the porch stoop on their way into the house, and suing up a storm with their former "friend".  The trusting soul that I am hates to admit it, but I promise you this happens more often than you would like to imagine.  Protect your assets!

5.  Before you buy, check the financial stability of the company you are selecting.  You can do this by visiting A.M. Best's website and entering in the insurance company's name and the state.  You will be looking for a rating of A or B.  Anything lower on the alphabetical scale could mean that your insurer may not have enough funds to pay your claim if one should occur.  Financial stability in an insurance company is very important and something worth thinking about.

DISCLAIMER:  These tips are not intended to offend anyone, persuade anyone to leave their current agent or insurer, or tempt you into suing me now that you know I have an umbrella policy.  These thoughts are simply shared to test my knowledge and to help you become an educated insurance consumer.  Make the most of these tips or delete them from your memory.  Capisce?

Timeless Tuesday: Unexpected Treasures

Let's consider this Timeless Tuesday fashionably late.  Yesterday was Tuesday which really felt like Monday and today feels like it should be Friday, but sadly it is only Wednesday.  So, be it fashionably late or graciously early - our week still begs for a bit of timelessness.

Part of my delay comes from the fact that I was entrenched in some dreaded closet cleaning yesterday.  As my mom puts it, "cleaning up to make room for a new mess to move in".  She could be a prophet.   Despite that knowledge I pressed on in my mission to clean up the closets in our spare rooms so I have space to put the things that should really be in there - in there.

While digging through the years of stuff shoved in the closets, I happened upon an old box of memories.  It offered up a few unexpected treasures.  Here is a quick peak at what it held.

The sweetest of notes to my mother, from my father, just a few days after I was born.  I can't believe I've never seen this before.  Or maybe I have and I just understood it for the first time.  The heartfelt simplicity of it can't be topped.  Especially considering my arrival graced them with a third daughter.  Sigh.  Very nicely done, Dad.

Pretty sweet, huh? 

Here are the next gems. 

Apparently I'm already an acclaimed author.  Or I could have been if these two literary pieces weren't shoved in a ratty old box in the closet.  These stories are oddly charming (I guess birds haven't always creeped me out) and reminded me that I have always enjoyed writing.  I'm glad I have re-invented this past time for myself, but thank goodness my work has come a few steps since then...Mr. and Mrs. Creakstone is a bit of a dark tale.

Here is to the timelessness of unexpected treasures (maybe this will serve as closet cleaning motivation for some) and to being a tad more punctual next go round!

The Best Toys in Life Are Free

I've long since known that the best things in life really are free.  Love, affection, kindness, kisses from my baby (which aren't exactly free - they usually come at the cost of a bit of coaxing and the occasional treat, but close enough).  I've recently realized that the best toys in life are also free.

My sisters have graciously paraded incredible, like-new hand me downs to my house since the day after I told them that I was pregnant.  Since the arrival of Baby Boy, I've literally bought him three books, two puzzles, and one train set, yet thanks to my sisters' generosity he has more toys then he will ever have time to play with in this life.  I thought we had tapped out all of the free toys that were to come our way, when out of the blue Meijer offered us another freebie that has become a huge hit around here.  

To be honest, I've been cursing Meijer for the last month as their remodel has cost me precious time in the grocery store searching for things that I can normally walk right up to and snag in seconds.  All of that hard work has finally paid off.  They gave Baby Boy a fake construction cap and he has been walking around like he is the boss for the last three days.  This little hard hat couldn't even be valued at a ha'penny.  Which by the way, ha'penny is tragically underused these days.  Anyway, here is just a taste of the joy that has come from this freebie...

I've been working on these plans day and night.

Alright fellas, here is what we gotta do.

Don't give me any lip.  The boss has always been allowed to eat while the rest of you work.

If I have to tell you guys one more time.

Working from sun up to sun down.

Man, it sure has been a tough day.  Gotta get some rest before I'm back to the grind tomorrow.

Timeless Tuesday: Re-inventing Dinner Classics

Sunlight from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. is one of the simple joys of life that finds us during Ohio's Summer.  There is a direct correlation between my mood improving and the length of day light.  This time of year also inspires me to find easy dinners so that the summer fun doesn't have to pause for long.

Last week I re-invented a few dinner classics that took minimal effort and came with easy clean-up.  As intended, our summer fun was barely affected by the necessity of dinner eats and those yummy classics of salad and pizza still tasted yummy.

Grilled Romaine Lettuce with Apple Smoked Turkey Bacon

I get salad-ed out very easily so I'm always looking for a leafy green twist to keep it fresh.  I've been hearing lots about grilling romaine and decided that with the grill begging me for some summer lovin' it was time to give it a try.  As far as salads go, it was spectacular.

Ingredients (serves 2):
3 romaine heads
1-2 tbsp Olive Oil
salt and pepper
a handful of cherry tomatoes
Apple Smoked Turkey Bacon (Or any other type of bacon you enjoy. Trader Joe's sells a few great Turkey Bacon options that are delicious and reasonably priced to give you that more gourmet feel.)

Slice Romaine down the middle length-wise.  Spritz, brush, or drizzle (Whatever method you use.  For me and all of my non-fancy kitchen gadgets it was the back of spoon.) the romaine with a tablespoon or two of olive oil. A very light coat - you don't want the lettuce to get too soggy.  Add a little salt and pepper and send it off to the  grill.  Being the virgin romaine griller that I was I set the temperature to 350 degrees and also decided to leave the
lid ajar.  They were perfectly done in only 2-3 minutes on each side so I would recommend this method.  Insert joke here about losing my romaine grilling virginity (I don't do smiley faces, but come on that is deserving of one).
Meanwhile, simmer up some yummy bacon, turkey bacon, or if you are bacon shy I think a chicken breast would taste delicious sliced on this as well. 

Place your grilled romaine on a plate.  Duh.  Add your protein and toss on your cherry tomatoes.  Viola!  The hubby ate this up as though it was a real man's man salad.  Hello grill and bacon; no salad shame for him.  It was delicious sans dressing, but you could add a bit if you need a little extra flavor.  Caesar would also make for a zingy twist.

Kale Pizza

Maybe it is my Italian heritage, but I could eat pizza for every meal.  I can eat it hot, cold, or room temperature (Otherwise known as left out on the counter overnight.  Please note this was primarily during my college days, but I'm not gonna lie if there was a 'sat out overnight pizza' in front of me right now...I'd be pretty tempted.).  I'm always looking for ways to add a little bit of something healthy to my pizza to remove the tiniest bit of guilt I endure from it's consumption.  For instance, while pregnant with Baby Boy one of my favorite's was a Tombstone pizza topped with tons of spinach.  Horribly delicious.  Come on pizza totally doesn't count when balanced out with bushels of that vitamin K rich vegetable.  And Baby Boy turned out just as smart and beautiful as can be...

Anyway, the other night I had pizza fixings at my disposal, a head of Kale, and a husband who was working late (so as to not turn him off at the sight of Kale on a pizza).  Kale Pizza it was.

This barely requires a recipe, but I'll throw a quick one out there at you anyway.

1 thin pizza crust
3-4 tbsp olive oil (or pesto, definitely pesto.  realized as soon as I made this I had a jar in the fridge and I cursed myself through the whole rest of the meal)
6 oz shredded mozzarella cheese (fresh buffalo mozz would make for a delicious variation)
salt and pepper to taste
6-8 slices of fresh pepperoni  - we obsess over Boar's Head brand (or not, for the meatless)
a few handfuls of cherry tomatoes
6-8 chopped kale leaves

You know the order of pizza so just through it all together and bake at 400 degrees for 12-15 minutes.  Bet you can't wait to try a slice.  Go ahead; I won't tell anyone...

irrational fears

Do you have an irrational fear?  One that your mind knows is complete lunacy, but you can't help but fear it anyway. 

My irrational fear is owned by a can of crescent rolls.  The Pillsbury variety.  The ones that you jam a spoon into to pop open.  I loathe them, I fear them, I scream like a little baby every time I open a can.

I've tried to ban them from entry, but the greasy, flaky, all too easy to make (I should be getting paid for this description, huh?) dough filled canisters keep invading my house. I shutter at the thought that the pop will end in a massive explosion that tosses crescent dough all over my kitchen and sends the edge of the can straight into my eye or my chest or my thigh (which now that I think about it - barring the eye I probably have enough natural cushion to protect myself from this type of explosion anyway.  Hmph, I suppose that makes the fear even that more irrational).

Anyway, I opened the fridge this afternoon to find one of those crescent roll cans had exploded inside.  Didn't make much of a mess.

I'm still afraid.

Now I've told you my deepest darkest most irrational fear.  If you're feeling brave, I'd love to know yours.  Please share in the comments section.  Remember, you are among friends here - we will only make fun of you a little bit.

Timeless Tuesday: Just chillin and a whole lot of these " "...

"Just chillin".  Do "the kids" say that anymore?  Probably not.  I've realized recently that when I use the word "dude" around my nephews they either lovingly mock me with a "duuuuudddde" or look at me oddly as though I've lost any shred of respect that I could have possibly maintained from their pre-teen vantage point.  So I suppose it is doubtful that "just chillin'" is in the modern day cool kid vocabulary.  Fair enough, but it unabashadely remains in my lingo.  I've never denied that I was an MC Hammer and New Kids On The Block loving product of the 90' and I'm not about to start.  Let's take a walk down 90's retro lane and dedicate this Tuesday to the lost art of "just chillin".

What's the "dillio"?  Why can't we stop "trippin" and get back to more "chillin".  That is exactly what I was thinking when I took this picture of Mr. November and Baby Boy last week. 

"Just chillin" is soooo "fly".  I've long since wondered why men were so much better at "chillin" than women.  After years of observation I've determined that it must be genetic.  Look at how "dope" Baby Boy is at "chillin".

This is the "rad" stuff you find when you're "just chillin".  And I'm happy to report that by our second day of "chillaxin" this little treasure was gone.  My heart tells me that the "motha" bird who lost it managed to retrieve it for further use.
And then there's the really, really "sweet" stuff that comes from "just chillin"...

Alright "homeys", I gotta "bounce".  Catch ya on the flip.  Word to ya motha!

Timeless Tuesday: G-rated Jokes

I enjoy a good joke.  I've always wanted to be one of those people that could rattle off a joke just naughty enough to be edgy and beg for your attention, and then reel you in with a well delivered punch line.  My want was for nothing as after years of botched punch lines I gave up the art of joke telling. At least I thought I had.  Thanks to Baby Boy's recent learning of the knock knock joke rhythm I've been reminded of how great a simple, clean, clever, kid joke can be.  And how easy they are to tell.  Even a joke telling novice like myself can mange to bring the G-rated house down with one of these timeless kid jokes...

Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Lettuce.  Lettuce who?  Lettuce in we miss you.

Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Banana.  Banana who.  Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Banana.  Banana who.  Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Orange.  Orange who?  Orange you glad I didn't say banana.

Knock, knock.  Who's there?  Little old lady.  Little old lady who?  Hey, I didn't know you could yodel!

What did one strawberry say to the other?  If you weren't so fresh we wouldn't be in this jam!

Why did the bacon laugh?  Because the egg cracked a yolk!

What is the capital of Alaska?  Come on, Juneau this one.

And if those jokes didn't make you laugh I bet this video will...

Have a happy Tuesday everyone and remember to filter life funny!

Vibrantly Nutritious

One of my dearest friends, Francie, is a nutritionist by trade and a lover of all things healthy at heart.  Thanks to a bit of my cajoling (since this is my blog, I have the right to take credit for her masterpiece right?) she has started her long awaited blog.  It is called Vibrantly Nutritious and you can expect it to be filled to the brim with great recipes and healthy advice. 

Francie's nutritious outlook is endearing because not only will she provide tips on nutritious cooking, but she can explain why your body needs (or doesn't need) a certain substance and how your body may react to it (sugar spike, weight loss, pairing of foods for optimal absorption, etc.).  She is also very helpful when it comes to grocery shopping tips.  I was interested in sugar substitutes a while back and I didn't even know where to start with the options let alone what aisle of the grocery store to look in - she was able to help me sort through the world of sugar. 

One of Francie's best traits is that she is always going to share what the healthiest options are and work hard to convince you that those are the choices you should be making; however, she also won't berate you if you decide that dessert and that second glass of wine are a must tonight.  Simply put - she is quite realistic about the temptation-filled world we live in and I'm thankful for that since as most of you know - I'm tempted pretty easily.  Fortunately, from her tips I am learning to make healthier choices for some of my temptations. 

I think you will enjoy reading her Vibrantly Nutritious posts which can be found at  .

I've also included her recipe for Roasted Chickpeas below as I mentioned this recipe in my Leaning into Green post and a few of you were interested.  Please enjoy courtesy of Francie.

Roasted Chickpeas:

Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Rinse a can of chickpeas and pat dry with a paper towel. Pour the contents of the can on a cookie sheet lined with foil (for easy clean up!). Drizzle extra virgin olive oil on the beans and any spices you desire. Francie's favorites right now are smoked paprika, garlic, salt, pepper. There are lots of spices you could use so just experiment. Place in preheated over for 20 minutes and take out and move the beans around. Then keep checking them every 7-10 minutes until they are golden brown.

Timeless Tuesday: To My Mother, To My Son

Mother's Day thoughts to my mother and son.

To my Mom -  I apologize for the exhaustion, the stress, the worry, and the frustration that I have caused you over the years.  Thank you for listening when no one else would.  Thank you for drying my tears.  Thank you for always being my biggest fan.  I'm sorry for any time that out of my teenage angst I might have even remotely implied that you weren't the greatest mother or that I didn't love you.  Those implications could not have been farther from the truth.  Thank you for showing me that a woman can be strong, confident, and beautiful on the inside and out.  Thank you for teaching me that a little bit of kindness can go a long way.  Thank you for giving me the tools and the freedom to fall in love with a great man.  Thank you for giving me the wedding of my dreams.  Thank you for the million little things you have done over the years to show me your love.  Thank you for understanding that I could never come close to imagining your love for me until I had my son.  I understand now and it is a love that is hard to put into words.  Thank you for loving me through the good and the bad and for being such a special woman.  I'm grateful to have you as my mother and my friend.  For any time in the last 31 years when I may not have said it - I love you.

To my Son - The exhaustion, the stress, the worry, and the frustration of being your mother is sometimes overwhelming, but I wouldn't trade a single second of it for all of the gold in the world.  I'm so grateful that I get to listen to you when no one else will.   I'm thankful that I get to be the one to dry your tears. I will always, always be your biggest fan.  Some day in the midst of your teenage angst you will tell me that I'm a horrible mother or that you don't love me.  I will understand that deep down in your heart you don't mean those words and I will love you even more.  I hope that I can show you that strength, confidence, and beauty must come from the inside as much as it shows on the outside.  I will do my best to teach you that a little bit of kindness can go a long way.  I pray that I can give you the tools and the freedom you need to fall in love with a special person some day.  My wish is that I can be there to help give you the most beautiful wedding you can imagine.  I hope that the million little things I do are enough to show you my love. I understand that you will never fully capture the depth of my love for you until you have a baby of your own.  Someday you will understand and I will be so happy for you.  Thank you for letting me love you and for being such a special son.  I'm grateful to be your mother and I look forward to the day that we can be good friends.  For any time in the last 18 months when I may not have said it - I love you.

Timeless Tuesday: Boys Will Be Boys

Boys Will Be Boys - A Haiku (all in good fun!)

eighteen month old boy
making a mess in the dirt
boy oh boy oh boy

We had our first run in with dirt last week.  Now I'm not talking about your run of the mill garden variety dirt.  I'm talking about your 3 day old rain drenched worm infested muddy mud mud.  It was thick, it was gooey, and it went right into Baby Boy's mouth.  Again and again and again.  Until it was glaringly obvious that the "that's yucky; we don't eat dirt" comment I was so vigilantly expressing was simply not going to deter him. 

As I tried to wrangle and haul an angry, flailing, monkey back into our house to get cleaned up I realized that this is only the beginning of it.  I have a lifetime, or at least somewhere between 18 and 25 years of dirty boy ahead of me.  I better get used to it, huh?  Once Baby Boy was washed up and involved in a much less messy game of sweeping up cheerios, I indulged in my guilty pleasure of searching the it really safe for toddlers to eat dirt, I wondered?  Apparently I wasn't the first - first time mom to question if this age old toddler habit was really harmless.  To my delight, baring a nasty iron deficiency that can make kiddos crave dirt (I don't think we are there yet) it is just another one of those 'usually nothing to worry about' toddler experimentations we parents must endure.  Funny thing is, watching Baby Boy eat dirt made me realize that as much as I know our world is going to continue to change and technology will evolve, I'm certain as certain could be that a thousand years from now boys will still eat dirt and moms will still wonder, "is this really normal?". 

On a side note, if I haven't officially overcome my germ phobia yet then I can share with you that I am darn close.  There is nothing like a little boy to help you work through that fear and much to my dismay, apparently dirt is not a boy's kryptonite.  Boy oh boy oh boy. 

Three Day Coconut Cake

Happy Easter!  Although it continues to be a rainy, muddy mess outside my window I am relishing in the deep greens and beautiful buds this weather has ushered in for our enjoyment.  I'm also feeling a bit of childhood excitement brewing up inside me knowing that my baby boy will be partaking in his first Easter Egg Hunt this afternoon courtesy of my sister (thanks, M!).  Even the rain can't put a damper on egg hunt fun.  I hope that you as well are managing to make the most of this Easter weekend despite the forecast.

I suppose if I was on top of my game I would have posted this recipe for the Three Day Coconut Cake at least three days in advance of Easter to give you the chance to savor it for the holiday.  Whoops!  However, I will make the promise that this easy recipe is sure to deliver if you make it for any other spring or summer occasions.  The secret to this recipe is to leave it in the refrigerator for three days before serving.  Coconut and cool whip aside that little instruction (make 3 days in advance!) is the best part of this whole recipe. I am always a get it done early kind of girl and this cake speaks directly to that need in me.  Although we won't be serving up the Coconut Cake until this afternoon, I'm hoping that it will elicit the same rave reviews that it received a few weeks back at a bridal shower (and if it doesn't I'll be sure to update this post with a big DO NOT EAT THIS CAKE warning within the next 3 days so that I'm sure to catch anyone who currently has it in the works!). 

This is only the second layered cake I've made and I was trying to put the layers together and ice while an 18 month old was tugging at my leg.  I assure you - yours will look much prettier!

14 oz.     shredded coconut
2 c.          sour cream
2 c.          granulated sugar
8 oz.        container of Cool Whip defrosted
1 box       yellow butter recipe cake mix

Bake cake according to package directions.  Split each layer in 2 – so you now have 4 layers.

Frosting:  Mix 2c. coconut with 2c. sour cream and 2c. sugar.  This is the filling mixture and will not look like a frosting  -- much thinner.  You can be very generous with the amount you put on each layer.

When you have filled and stacked all the layers you are ready to make the final frosting by adding the entire container of defrosted Cool Whip to the filling mixture.  Frost sides and top of cake with frosting.  Use the remaining coconut to cover the top and sides of the frosted cake.

Place in the frig for 3 days before you eat your first slice.  Enjoy!